Филировочные ножницы LOONG HAND MADE для стрижки волос правой рукой
Ножницы для филировки LOONG HAND MADE: 15 см
Материал лезвия: JP440C
Материал ручки: Нержавеющая сталь
Жесткость: 61HRC
Артикул: 000750
Цена:3400.00 руб.
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Agreed. It wasn’t this post. It’s that the fiance has failed to establish boundaries with his mother. Are there really people who think religious decisions should be up to anyone other than the two parents? If he doesn’t have the spine to tell his mother when to butt out, he is too immature to get married. And how arrogant is this guy, to think that their break-up has r0;2uined” her life? If you ask me, she dodged a bullet.
Agreed. It wasn’t this post. It’s that the fiance has failed to establish boundaries with his mother. Are there really people who think religious decisions should be up to anyone other than the two parents? If he doesn’t have the spine to tell his mother when to butt out, he is too immature to get married. And how arrogant is this guy, to think that their break-up has r0;2uined” her life? If you ask me, she dodged a bullet.
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